Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hipot Testing for Heavy Copper PCBs

Heavy Copper Core PCB Hipot Testing
Hipot is an abbreviation for high potential and is used in the testing instruments used to justify electrical insulation in heavy copper printed circuit boards.

Heavy Copper PCB History

At one point in recent history, Saturn Electronics Corporation, a PCB Manufacturing firm, was one of North America's largest users of heavy copper laminate, which we used in the production of power distribution boards for the automotive industry.

Diversifying Core Products
Retaining our skill set in bare board hipot testing and precision etching heavy copper, we applied it to Power Supply. In addition, we applied our registration system to address concerns such as layer to layer winding registration, dry resin, and etch factors commonly seen by users of Heavy Copper PWB Multilayer boards.

PWB Capabilities at a Glance
Heavy Copper PCB Capabilities
We commonly produce boards with 2, 3, 4, & 6 ounce copper with up to 20 layers.

Thermal Management
Additionally, Saturn expertise in Thermal Management for Heavy Copper PCBs leads the Printed Circuit Board industry.

Hipot Testing for PCB Manufacturing
Saturn Electronics Corp. is an industry leader in Hipot Testing for PCB Manufacturing.

Industries Served

Automotive, Medical, Aerospace, Military

Hi-Pot Testing for Heavy Copper PCBs

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