Sunday, November 9, 2008

Controlled Impedance Designs PCBs

Controlled Impedance Designs

Saturn engineers have access to impedance design and stackup software that enables us to verify your line widths, spacing, and stackup prior to CAM.

Based on the proximity of your design to your calculations, we can make adjustments to the design or adjust the stackup to best model the desired impedance. After fabrication, we verify our calculations by performing impedance testing using our Polar CITS500s Controlled Impedance Test System.

The exciting part of the Printed Circuit Board fabrication business is the integration and application of various fabrication processes for the manufacture of high technology, exotic, and other non-standard products. Fine Line and Spacing is just one of the many examples Saturn Electronics Corp. offers its customers.

For examples of specific boards offered by Saturn, please follow this link:

Examples of Current Technology Applications

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